"MOMMY!!!! That word seems to mean so much more to me, even now!...
I just want to talk to you and catch up even more now that the word is spreading...."
These are the words penned today by my darling Blair as she emailed me this morning.....
she who is now carrying our FIRST grandchild!
OMG!!!! The fact that I'm going to be a "Mimi" (aka grandmama) is still sinking in from hearing the news yesterday morning from Blair & James on Skype! For those who know me well, you KNOW I lived up to my crazy & passionate reputation! I screamed with DELIGHT, threw up my hands, jumped out of my chair and ran around the house hollaring like a raving maniac! James' commentary....."nice victory lap"......yes, oh yes indeed it was!
Trent's response as I roused him from a deep slumber (he & his wife Ali are living with us temporarily while they look for a house)....since he could easily determine that his Mom's screams were of a happy nature, he leaned down through the laundry chute that drops into the laundry room where Neal and I were on the pc talking to James and Blair....."What in the world?! Is Blair pregnant?" He just knew that his Mom could only be this overjoyed over something reeeeeally significant!
Could God's timing not be MORE perfect?! As I've been grieving over the profound loss of Mom the last 6 weeks, He has in His oh so God-like way & timing brought me "joy in the morning" over something NEW. Out of death, comes life! Glory!
Father, like my Neal, I am so humbled that You would choose to save me, much less keep on sanctifying me, much less bless me with a precious husband, 3 wonderful children with 3 wonderful spouses and NOW, a grandbaby! It's almost more than we can comprehend! Thank You for this blessing, for this child of Your's! May I be diligent to pray for this baby, and may he or she bring You MUCH GLORY through his or her life. You have astounded me with the demonstration of Your love as I continue to grieve and miss Mom. I can't help but believe after all I'm reading in Randy Alcorn's devotional 50 Days of Heaven that Mom not only knows that her granddaughter is expecting, but she is also doing what she always did here on earth....praising the Lord! Praise YOU Lord!
Fix Your Eyes on the World to Come
15 hours ago